@prefix dc: . @prefix o-docttr: . @prefix ottr: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xsd: . o-docttr:Signature rdf:type ottr:Template ; ottr:annotation [ ottr:of o-docttr:Example ; ottr:values ( o-docttr:Signature "The template uses an instance of itself to document itself" "2020-08-21T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ( ) ottr:none ) ] ; ottr:annotation [ ottr:of o-docttr:Provenance ; ottr:values ( o-docttr:Signature "2020-08-21T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ottr:none ( ) ottr:none ) ] ; ottr:annotation [ ottr:of o-docttr:Version ; ottr:values ( o-docttr:Signature ottr:draft "0.1.1" ottr:none ottr:none ) ] ; ottr:annotation [ ottr:of o-docttr:Signature ; ottr:values ( o-docttr:Signature ottr:none "Use to documente a published template, providing descriptions and usage notes." ottr:none ( "The template should be used in combination with other templates in the same package." ) ( o-docttr: ) ( "Suggest to refactor, keeping the signature, but put body in a more generic template as this template could be used for documenting any resource. Align refactoring with a possible refactoring of o-docttr:Parameter." ) ) ] ; ottr:parameters ( [ ottr:type ottr:IRI ; ottr:variable _:b0 ] [ ottr:modifier ottr:optional ; ottr:type xsd:string ; ottr:variable _:b1 ] [ ottr:modifier ottr:nonBlank ; ottr:type xsd:string ; ottr:variable _:b2 ] [ ottr:modifier ottr:nonBlank , ottr:optional ; ottr:type xsd:string ; ottr:variable _:b3 ] [ ottr:modifier ottr:optional ; ottr:type ( ottr:NEList xsd:string ) ; ottr:variable _:b4 ] [ ottr:modifier ottr:optional ; ottr:type ( ottr:NEList ottr:IRI ) ; ottr:variable _:b5 ] [ ottr:modifier ottr:optional ; ottr:type ( ottr:NEList xsd:string ) ; ottr:variable _:b6 ] ) ; ottr:pattern [ ottr:of ottr:Triple ; ottr:values ( _:b0 dc:description _:b2 ) ] ; ottr:pattern [ ottr:of ottr:Triple ; ottr:values ( _:b0 dc:title _:b1 ) ] ; ottr:pattern [ ottr:of ottr:Triple ; ottr:values ( _:b0 rdfs:label _:b1 ) ] ; ottr:pattern [ ottr:of ottr:Triple ; ottr:values ( _:b0 skos:scopeNote _:b3 ) ] ; ottr:pattern [ ottr:arguments ( [ ottr:value _:b0 ] [ ottr:value skos:note ] [ ottr:modifier ottr:listExpand ; ottr:value _:b4 ] ) ; ottr:modifier ottr:cross ; ottr:of ottr:Triple ] ; ottr:pattern [ ottr:arguments ( [ ottr:value _:b0 ] [ ottr:value skos:editorialNote ] [ ottr:modifier ottr:listExpand ; ottr:value _:b6 ] ) ; ottr:modifier ottr:cross ; ottr:of ottr:Triple ] ; ottr:pattern [ ottr:arguments ( [ ottr:value _:b0 ] [ ottr:value rdfs:seeAlso ] [ ottr:modifier ottr:listExpand ; ottr:value _:b5 ] ) ; ottr:modifier ottr:cross ; ottr:of ottr:Triple ] .